Senin, 26 Mei 2008


Hari ni aq lega bangett...
Akhirny masa-masa yang penuh tekanan dg acting pun slese...
Jujur aj, tadi aq bener2 takut... Takut bgt! Sampe2 aq nangis di ILC
Byangkan!!! ILC!!! Adoooh.... merusak citraku sbg cwe cool aj... (ce i lee)
Tapi waktu thu ga isa mikir ap2 dah, ga kuat kalo g nangis, lumayan, toh akhirny aq isa ngerasa better... Yah, sedih jg si, ga jd maen diplayny C'Vivi, tp ya mo gimana lg... Demi kebaikan bersama jg toh... Aq ga boleh egois jg kn...

O ya, makasih jg bwt tmn2ku yg uda dukung aq spenuhnya n' yg uda ngasi smangat penuh sm aq...
Melda - Vania- Sari - Patris - Marsella - Tina - Pea - Dion - Dee2 - C'Yane - C'Dewi - Olva - Yelica - Yasmin - Winny - dll.. (Maap kalo g kesebut) hehe Thank u so much for ur support to me! Aq bener2 jadi brani n' smngat loh!
Bhkn smsny pun masi ku simpen...

Sari says, "Eka..Smangatt..Smangatt..^o^ maaf ya..Ak ga ntn..Ak krj ppkn..Smangatt..Sari"

C'Dewi says,"Ciayo doa dulu - dewi-maniez (hoh?)"

Olva says,"Tng aj.Ingt,jgn tkt yah.Do the best n let God do the rest.Good luck yawh..Gbu"

Sisanya ngemeng langung... Khukhukhu terharu aq... Khakha...

Alhasil, wktu tampil td, aq isa pede ca! hehehe yah, biar agk gugup2 gitu si, abiz yg nonton tmn2ny c'vivi smua... Tapi aq yakin, aq uda ngasi yg terbaik... Meskipun td :
1. Waktu awal aq kecepetan masuk
2. Waktu akhir aq telat masuk
3. Sempet lupa naskah (untung langsung inget)
Tp selebihnya, hehehe not bad lah~

Trus, pas selese aq jg langsung aj nanya ma pa'Ribut (dosen actingku)

Eka : "Sir, there's any comment for my acting?"
Pa'Baz : "Mm, overall si bagus, cm pronounny aj yg di benerin ya, dictionnya itu lho."
Eka : "OK sir, thank u"
Pa'Baz : "Yep, u're welcome"

Kyaaaaaaa!!! Senengnya.... ternyata ga jelek2 amat...

OK, finally, I believe that God never give me a wrong place, because He knows me, and understand what's the best for me...
Like this, from this problem, I got many things to learn. So, for next time, I'll not do the same mistake again... hehe Thank u God!

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